Bandura & Lesia Korol

45th Smetana Days Festival

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350 CZK
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Detail information

Arthur Lurje
Myhailo Tkač, Stepan Sabadash
Bohdana Standara
Variace na ukrajinskou píseň Třešeň
Petro Soloduha
Nedaleko topolů
Natalia Kyrylo
Ať je jaro
Ihor Poklad, Yuriy Rybchynskyi
Voda teče
Volodymyr Ivasiuk
Půjdu do vzdálených hor
Ihor Poklad, Yuriy Rybchynskyi
Kouzelné housle
Ukrajinská národní píseň Šla dívka
Ukrajinská národní píseň Pod mrakem

Konstantyn Miaskov
Koncertní kus pro banduru a klavír
Oksana Dehtiar
Koncertní kus pro banduru, housle a klavír
Aleksandr Vinnitskiy
Bossa-nova pro banduru, housle a klavír
Volodymyr Ivasiuk
Chervona ruta pro banduru, housle a klavír

Lesia Korol: bandura / bandura
Sofia Zulfikar: housle / violin
Petr Novák: klavír / piano

Lesia Korol – festival personality 

Lesia, how are you looking forward to your concert at the Smetana Days Festival?
I am very much looking forward to the Czech Republic and Pilsen. It is a great honour for me to perform at the 45th Smetana Days Festival.

How would you introduce the bandura to the audience?
Bandura is a unique Ukrainian national instrument which can combine two ways of performing - both instrumental playing and singing.It is very much like Irish and Scottish harp. Bandura has 65 strings, sounds soft and charming.

The bandura is not a common musical instrument in the Czech Republic. Why should listeners definitely visit your concert?
Bandura is an amazing instrument, I would recommend the concert to anyone who wants to expand their horizons and discover new musical colours.

We recommend

Liederhalle, Stuttgart


Isarphilharmonie, München

Isarphilharmonie, München

Are you going to the concert for the first time?

How to dress up for a concert?

When to applaud? (Do not skip between sentences)

What is the sentence?

Why to take a program?