Janál & Chřibková & katedrála sv. Bartoloměje

Homage to composer Jiří Teml on his 90th birthday

Katedrála sv. Bartoloměje

420 CZK
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Detail information

Jiří Teml
Mysterium sacrum pro varhany
Antonín Dvořák
Tři duchovní zpěvy, op. 19b
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Sonáta pro varhany A dur č. 3, op. 65
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Písně pro baryton a varhany
Jiří Teml
Toccata Yamaha pro varhany
Jiří Teml
Prosby a chvály pro baryton a varhany
(Pocta Antonínu Dvořákovi)

Irena Chřibková: varhany / organ
Roman Janál: baryton / baritone

Composer Jiří Teml – festival personality 

Composer and dramaturgist of the Czechoslovakian (later Czech) Radio in Pilsen and Prague Jiří Teml will celebrate his life anniversary – 90th birthday – on 24th June 2025. How does he recall his longlasting cooperation with the Pilsen Radio Orchestra and later the Pilsen Philharmonic?

My relationship with the Pilsen Philharmonic is very strong. Joining the Pilsen Radio, which included the radio orchestra, was a significant moment in my life, when I exchanged my original job in the economic branch to work in the field of music. I had to supplement my knowledge in this area with practice, which I still lacked at that time. My colleagues from the music editorial office Jan Tomažičová and Zdeněk Bláha and the music publicist Professor
Antonín Špelda, as well as the conductors Bohumír Liška and Josef Blacký help me a lot during that period.

To this day, I still remember with gratitude the endless debates with Concertmaster Jan Sedláček and Professor Bohumír Liška. Also unforgettable are the many premieres of my compositions, which the orchestra brought to musical life. The orchestra is also related to the folklore genre: its members performed in the recordings of the very popular programme “Playing and Singing Pilseners”, to which I also contributed with my arrangements of folk songs.

After I left for Prague Radio, again as a dramaturgist, I spent many years helping the Pilsen station in the field of folklore, but the cooperation logically faded away. It gradually resumed with the new director of the Pilsen Philharmonic, Lenka Kavalová. I am pleased with this situation and I am very happy that my connection with this successfully consolidated musical ensemble can continue.

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